:: A Sigh of Relief ::

Hi Guys!

I know that you all hate me for not sticking to my word and for disappearing for sooooooo long, but my life is currently the craziest it’s ever been! Between dealing with all the craziness that comes along with being in school again and my new apartment, which up until recently was the apartment from hell, I have barely had any time to breathe let alone post anything!

The past few months I have been running solely off adrenaline, because lord only knows how I have been mentally and physically able to function. Unfortunately, yesterday was my breaking point. After having my 5th cup of coffee in 5 straight days (I am not a coffee drinking in the slightest, so yes, this is a HUGE deal for me) on an empty stomach mind you, my body collapsed. I ended up having some type of stomach virus and spending the night and the following day lying on the bathroom floor. Never in my life have I felt so weak/tired/worthless/exhausted/I can go on forever.

All and all, what I had time to think about and take away from that low moment, was the importance of taking care of yourself. Often times we neglect ourselves and don’t listen to the things that our bodies are telling us and don’t know when to sloooowwww down! So from now on I am slowing down and going to spend more time doing the things that I love and taking time to enjoy life, because the days are going by way to fast.

So learn from my mistakes and I hope that it never happens to you! Take a lil time out to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. Now enough of me ranting…let’s get back to blogging!

About oohsobeautiful

It is possible at any age to discover a lifelong desire you never knew you had.
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